Your challenges

Your premises generates multiple waste streams, which must be managed efficiently to allow smooth operation of your services. When safety and compliance with regulations are paramount, it is all too easy to waste opportunities to improve storage and collection, boost recycling and recover value from materials.

Hosting visitors, guests and students also brings with it heavy responsibility for managing a variety of risks to safety and health, including waterborne infections. Understanding and satisfying all relevant regulations is a serious challenge, particularly if swimming pools and systems for drinking water, catering and cleaning are to be maintained in a cost-effective way.

Our solutions

Our waste management service is comprehensive. We audit waste flows and existing practices, and design a tailored solution – so it supports the efficiency of your operations as well as complying with all regulations.

This service will range from selecting waste containers and setting a collection schedule to maximising recycling and the recovery of value.

We manage all kinds of materials from general waste and recyclables to food or confidential waste.

Meanwhile, our solutions for optimising water management include:

  • Risk assessment and controls for Legionella and other infectious agents.
  • Advice on regulations and best practice guidelines for water systems.
  • Specialist chemicals (such as Abulox, our proven biocide for eliminating pathogens in water systems).
  • Free training and learning materials, and accreditations.

Our expertise

SUEZ in the UK draws on a wide spectrum of specialists in waste and water, and related disciplines – from logistics to materials trading, and chemistry to health and safety.

We also have a network of facilities for sorting and processing waste materials, including composting, energy-from-waste and the manufacture of alternative fuels derived from waste.

Our water management team contains industry-leading scientists and experts in:


  • Laboratory analysis and testing.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Training and development.


Our UK operations are also backed by the world-class expertise and research and development of the SUEZ group.

Contact us